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Palladium Fantasy: Mount Nimro - Kingdom of Giants

Palladium Fantasy: Mount Nimro - Kingdom of Giants


  • £20.00

That's right, the Mount Nimro region is the domain of giants: Jotan, Nimro, Gigantes, Cyclops, Gromek, Trolls and others. A gathering of clans, tribes and refugees that is quickly becoming a true 'kingdom' rather than a motley collection of misanthropes. A Kingdom of Giants that frightens the surrounding human, Elf and Dwarf settlements and is beginning to concern even the Western Empire. Get all the details for yourself! New player O.C.C.s and monster races. History and world information, making note of powerful factions, warlords, villains and growing conflicts. Maps, adventures and adventure ideas. Page Count: 160 pages Interior Art: Johnson, Dubisch, Burles. Written by: Bill Coffin.

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